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HS Announcements – September 19, 2016

Juniors and Seniors mark your calendars!!  Northwood University will be hosting College Night on September 29th from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Hach Center at Northwood.   More than 70 colleges and universities will be represented.
The Delta College representative will be here on Monday, September 26, at 1:30 pm.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center.
Big Brother/Big Sister applications are in the Counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Copus.
Attention Lancers!  Homecoming dance tickets will be on sale at lunches through Friday of this week.  Tickets will NOT be available at the door.  The prices are $20 for a couple and $12 for a single.  If you are not in the building at lunch time, please see Mrs. Syring or Mrs. DuBois before or after school–not between classes–to purchase tickets.  Also, if you are bringing a guest from another school, you must have the permission slip signed and ready to turn in before purchasing your tickets.
Hey dancers!  We are trying something new this year!  Instead of having a professional photographer at the homecoming dance, we are going to have a fun photo booth instead!  There will be no charge for the photobooth.
Spirit day results…the class winner for ‘Merica Monday,’ is the juniors!  Fire up, Lancers!  Get this competition going!  Tomorrow is superhero day!!!
The BC Equestrian team won Reserve Champions this weekend and will move on to Regional competition on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 30 – October 2.  Good luck team!
The boys cross country team had another amazing performance this weekend at the Harrison Hornet Invitational. Brennan Mudd and Spencer Waldmann made quite the statement by going 1-2 and having a 2 minute gap between them and the third place finisher. Our other medalists for the meet were Thatcher Trudell, DJ Parkinson, Joe Sira, Brett Pinet, Luke Winslow, Steven Lenon, Louis Kehr and Collin Starks.  The boys team finished 1st and both the BC girls and boys teams took home the Co-Ed Championship trophy! Awesome job guys! Our next cross country meet will be this Saturday at the Al Kayner Delta Invite, so make sure you wish our athletes “good luck!”

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