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HS Announcements – September 21, 2016

The Delta College representative will be here on Monday, September 26, at 1:30 pm.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center.
Sign up in the Counseling Office to meet with the Michigan Tech representative, who will be here on Tuesday, September 27th, at 1:30 pm. if you are interested.
Big Brother/Big Sister applications are in the Counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Copus.
Are you interested in robotics?  There will be a Rookie Welcome Meeting Tuesday, September 27th from 3-4 pm. Come, check it out, ask questions, and see the robot.
Attention Lancers!  Homecoming dance tickets will be on sale at lunches through Friday.  Tickets will NOT be available at the door.  The prices are $20 for a couple and $12 for a single.  If you are not in the building at lunch time, please see Mrs. Syring or Mrs. DuBois before or after school–not between classes–to purchase tickets.  Also, if you are bringing a guest from another school, you must have the permission slip signed and ready to turn in before purchasing your tickets.
Hey dancers!  We are trying something new this year!  Instead of having a professional photographer at the homecoming dance, we are going to have a fun photo booth instead!  There will be no charge for the photo booth.
Tomorrow is “Seasons” Day– Freshmen will be wearing winter clothes, Sophomores will be wearing fall clothes, Juniors will be wearing summer clothes, Seniors will be wearing spring clothes. Remember to be school appropriate.
          Teachers…dress to support your favorite season or class!  Friday is Black and Gold Day–a Creek Favorite!  Let’s see your spirit, Creek!  Fire-up for Homecoming!
Hey Lancers!  Popcorn will now be available to purchase every Tuesday and Thursday during the lunch hours.
PICTURE DAY is next Wednesday.  Please see your English teacher if you would like an envelope to purchase pictures.

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