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HS Announcements – September 22, 2016

Attention ALL court members…there is a MANDATORY meeting directly after school on the football field.  We will be doing a run through for tomorrow’s half time festivities so you will want to know what’s going on.  Be there!

Hey ALL StuCo people!  There is a full council meeting at 7am in Mrs. DuBois’s room–8B.  THIS IS IT!  Be there to put the final touches on our homecoming plans!  Don’t be late–we have a lot to talk about!  Chairs–be ready to talk!

Students who are currently enrolled at Delta College, please listen to this very important announcement.  Please stop by the Lancer Lounge to check your mailbox for enrollment paperwork for 2nd semester.  It is very important that you complete the paperwork and return to Mrs. Brown by next Monday.

The following colleges will be here for visits on the following dates and times:

Delta College – September 26 at 1;30 PM

Michigan Tech – September 27 at 1:30 pm

Oakland University – September 29 at 1:35 pm

Cornerstone University – September 29 during lunch hours

Alma College – September 30 at 10:00 am

Sign up in the Counseling office to meet with the representative.

Big Brother/Big Sister applications are in the Counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Copus.

Are you interested in robotics?  There will be a Rookie Welcome meeting Tuesday, September 27th from 3-4 pm.  Come, check it out, ask questions, and see the robot.

Attention Lancers!  Homecoming dance tickets will be on sale at lunches through Friday.  Tickets will NOT be available at the door.

Hey dancers!  Instead of having a professional photographer at the homecoming dance, we are going to have a fun photo booth instead!  There will be no charge for the photo booth.

Hey Lancers!  Listen UP!  Here are the results from the last three days of spirit competitions: For Tuesday’s Super Hero Day, the freshmen came out on top!  For yesterday’s Bucket Hat Day, the juniors wore the most!   And today’s “Seasons” Day found the Seniors as winners!  Put on your Black and Gold for tomorrow’s final spirit day!  Let’s go for 100% participation!  Go Creek!

PICTURE DAY is next Wednesday.  Please see your English teacher if you would like an envelope to purchase pictures.

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