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HS Announcements – September 23, 2016

Attention all students bringing a guest to Homecoming from another school!  Your guest must have a photo ID to be admitted to the dance.
The following colleges will be here for visits on the following dates and times:
Delta College – September 26 at 1:30 PM          Michigan Tech – September 27 at 1:30 pm
Oakland University – September 29 at 1:35 pm, and Cornerstone University – September 29 during lunch hours
Alma College – September 30 at 10:00 am
Sign up in the Counseling office to meet with the representative.
Are you interested in robotics?  There will be a Rookie Welcome meeting Tuesday, September 27th from 3-4 pm.  Come, check it out, ask questions, and see the robot.
Are you a Pokemon guru, or maybe a Magic card expert?  If so, we are beginning our Trading Card Game Club (TCG) Friday Sept. 30th.  Come join us in 3B after school.  Feel free to bring a snack either for yourself or to share.

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