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9-23-16 Pine River “Housekeeping Info”

I have a few ‘housekeeping’ informational items to pass onto you.
  • It is the Bullock Creek School Board Policy that medication cannot be sent in with students.  It is required that medication and a permission form be given to the office by an adult.  Medication can only be given to students if medication has been provided to the office along with the permission form.
  • Student lunch money should be put in an envelope or baggy with thestudent’s name and the dollar amount.
  • If you are interested in participating in the Backpack Buddy program, forms should be turned in by Friday, September 30.
  • Students who will be participating in Messiah’s Wonderful Wednesdayprogram, the forms should be turned in by Friday, September 30.
  • For safety and security, please do not walk between the parked busses in the mornings and afternoons.
  • Due to loading/unloading students at various times, please do not drive past the parked busses.  Please drive out the same way you drive in.  This applies to mornings and afternoons as well.
  • All students at Pine River Elementary who are picked up from school, but be signed out in the office.
Attached you will find the BCEL/PR PTO Newsletter.  Lots of great information is contained in this newsletter.
Bullock Creek Homecoming is tonight!  The parade begins at 4:30 p.m.  There will be activities at Bullock Creek High School prior to the football game.  Hope to see you there!
Debra Bradford

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