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HS Announcements – September 29, 2016

Juniors and Seniors:  Don’t forget tonight is College Night at Northwood University’s Hach Center from 6:30-8:00 pm.  Over 70 colleges and universities will be represented.  Go check it out!
Hey all StuCo peeps!  We have had a schedule change!  There will be a full council meeting tomorrow morning at 7 am in Mrs. DuBois’s room to debrief Homecoming!  Be sure to bring your unsealed thank you notes and any receipts you need to turn in.  Tomorrow is the deadline.  Please be there–and be on time!  7 am in Mrs. DuBois’s room.
Co-op’s:  Time Sheets are due TOMORROW for morning Co-op’s!  Afternoon Co-op’s are due on Monday!  New time sheets are in your mailbox.
The following colleges will be here for visits on the following dates and times:  Alma College – Tomorrow at 10:00 am; Saginaw Valley State University – October 3 at 9:00 am; and Lake Superior State University on October 6 at 1:30 pm.
Sign up in the Counseling office to meet with the representative.
The BCHS Trading Card Game Club (TCG) begins tomorrow, September 30th.  Come join us in 3B after school.  Feel free to bring a snack either for yourself or to share.
Attention all Men and Women basketball players, preseason open gyms begin this Sunday in the main gym.  Basketball open gyms will continue each Sunday in October.  The men’s basketball open gyms will be from 4:30 to 5:45 followed by the women’s
basketball open gym time 6:00 to 7:15.  Any questions see Mr. Freeland in room 7D.
OPEN HITTING in the Dome will be begin this Sunday.  11th & 12th graders are at NOON and 9th & 10th graders at 1:00 pm.
Anyone interested in playing softball in the spring is asked to see Coach Kalina or Coach Borsenik today or tomorrow.

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