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BCMS News & Notes

Fall is in the air and the building is a bit chilly, please remind your students to dress accordingly.
November 1st we will be having picture retakes.  Please remember that date if you’re interested in a new picture.
Halloween is approaching.  On Monday, October 31st the students are encouraged to wear their costumes to school.  All students, including the ones wearing costumes, will have to comply with the dress code.  In addition to the usual dress code, costumes must not include masks, weapons or gore. Halloween is always a great day at the middle school.  The staff will also be dressed for the occasion and is excited for students to arrive Monday morning.
The next school dance is scheduled for October 27th from 2:30-4:00.  Please remember that you must schedule your child to be picked up no later than 4:00.
The last home varsity football game is tonight!  Kick-off is at 7:00 pm.
Have a great weekend and get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.
Curt Moses


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