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HS Announcements – October 28, 2016

Co-op’s:  Your time sheet is due TODAY!
Attention seniors:  Your green ballot for the senior mock elections is due today.  These ballots can be turned into Mrs. Discher in 5E or any yearbook staff member.
Have you ordered YOUR yearbook yet?  Get your order in by Halloween and SAVE $5!!!  You can pick up an order form from the main office or in Mrs. Discher’s room, 5E.
Next week Bullock Creek High School, along with other Midland County Schools, will be celebrating Nonviolence Week.  Throughout the week, we will have different activities helping us to create a caring and inviting atmosphere at our school.
Next Wednesday is picture re-take day. If you are having your picture re-taken, please bring your original picture package with you.  We will also be taking photos of anyone who missed the first picture day.
Northwood University will be here on Monday, October 31st, at 12:30.  Please sign up in the Counseling office to meet with the representative.
Attention all students and staff, BCHS Theatre’s Fall Production of Middletown is just around the corner.  Come and enjoy this show on Thursday, November 3rdFriday, November 4th or Saturday, November 5th at 7:00.  Hope to see you there!
Interested in seeing Middletown for free?  Looking for volunteer hours?  Then stop by and see Mr. Church in room 2A and ask about being a ticket taker.
The cross country teams will be competing tomorrow (Saturday) at the Regional Meet at Delta College. The boys will be racing at 10:40 am and the girls will be racing at 12 pm. The top 3 teams in the District 2 race will advance to the State Finals next Saturday at the MIS Speedway in Brooklyn.  Individuals whose team does not place in the top 3 can qualify for the State Meet by placing in the top 15.  The teams have a good chance of qualifying!!!  Our teams would appreciate any support tomorrow!  If you can’t make it to the meet, at least wish our athletes “Good luck”!

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