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10-28-16 Battle of the Book Pampered Chef Fundraiser

Battle of the Books 2017
Pampered Chef Party
Online Order Deadline Is October 31.
There’s still time to order Pampered Chef products and support the Battle of the Books program.  Just go to https://pamperedchef.com/go/battleofthebooks or Michele Mathey’s pampered chef page.  If you go to her page, look up the party under Patrick VanCise.
If you are interested in setting up a Pampered Chef Party of your own, contact Michele Mathey at the numbers or e-mail below.  She has generously offered to donate $3 for every party she books from this party.
Who does it affect?  Initially this program affects the 4th and 5th graders enrolled in the Battle of the Books program.  Eventually it affects all current and future Pine River students since the books become part of the Pine River Library.
You can’t make the party, but still would like to purchase some items or help support the Battle program?
Our sponsor for this sale is Michele Mathey michelemathey79@gmail.com
25% of the sales goes back to the Battle of the Books program at Pine River Elementary.
Please place all orders by October 31, 2016.
Thank you for your support.

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