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Floyd Elementary News and Notes 10/7/11

News and Notes

Friday, October 7, 2011

 Bully Prevention

Our school works hard to prevent behaviors that can be considered bullying.  In that vain, we have instituted a couple of programs that we believe will help our school foster a culture of respect, caring, and safety.

As part of our anti-bullying policy, we have begun our school year with a Bucketfilling philosophy.  Our school counselor, Kristie Clark, has been introducing this concept to Floyd students through the use of the “Have You Filled A Bucket Today?” book and other bucketfilling activities.  Floyd students have learned that everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds good thoughts and feelings about themselves.  We need to fill each other’s bucket daily by saying and doing nice things.  When we fill someone’s bucket, we also fill our own!  Students have been challenged to fill at least one person’s bucket each day by simply smiling, asking someone to play with them at recess, helping someone when they are sad, or a variety of other positive behaviors towards others.  For more information on bucketfilling visit www.bucketfillers101.com

 Mix It Up Day

Do you recall your school experience?  One of the big decisions was “Who do I sit by?”  Later this month our school will host a “Mix it up Day” where students will be encouraged to sit by classmates that they may not normally sit by.  Adults will be in the lunch room to foster communication between the students and start conversations.  Hopefully out of this we can start some new friendships and realize that we are all part of one large family – the Bullock Creek Family!


We are so lucky to have the large number of visitors that we have in our building as volunteers.  Without such community involvement we could not possibly help the number of kids that we do on a daily basis.  I would like to just put out a few reminders so that we can make sure that our students are safe and secure at all times.

We request that regardless of the reason for your visit; please stop into the office first.

  • If you are having someone pick up your child, please send a written note indicating that.
  • Classroom volunteers, through Bullock Creek School District Policy, are required to fill out a form in the school office giving us permission to perform a Criminal Background Check.  There is no cost for you.
  • If you pick up your child please come through the main door and sign them out in the office.

Thank you so much for your cooperation as we work to make our school environment safe for all of our kids!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Rod Dishaw, Principal

Reminder:  Halloween walk will take place on Thursday, October 27 @ 6:00 p.m.  Mark your calendar now J


Rodney Dishaw, Ed.S.

Principal, Floyd Elementary School

District Liaison, McKinney/Vento Homeless Act

725 S. Eight Mile

Midland, Michigan 48640

ph:  989.832.2081

fax:  989-832-4029


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