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11-30-17 Principal News

November 30, 2016
If you are interested in ordering Spirit Wear, the final chance to order is on Wednesday, November 30th.  Items from the 2nd store will be available for pickup on December 16th.  Items can be ordered online at:  https://bullockcreekpto2016.itemorder.com/
Please join us TONIGHT and the Bullock Creek/Pine River PTO at Culver’s Night from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.  Ten percent of all sales will be donated to support various activities at both elementary buildings.
I have attached a picture of the Lost and Found area at Pine River.  Hopefully some of you will recognize some of your children’s clothing.  I would like to emphasize to please label your child’s clothing – especially snow pants, coats and sweatshirts.
Remember – there will be a ½ day for students on Tuesday, December 6 and students will be dismissed at 12:05 p.m.  Students will have lunch before they leave at 12:05 p.m.
Scholastic Book Fair will be at Pine River Elementary on the 7th and 8th of December.  More information will be coming home with your child at the end of this week.
Report Cards will be sent home with students on Friday, December 6.
Attached please find the following fliers:
CNC Nature Art
Boy Scout Troop 772 Community Breakfast information
Have a wonderful week!
Debra Bradford

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