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HS Announcements – December 5, 2016

  • Attention Staff and Students:  After School Intervention (ASI) will be held Wednesday and Thursday this week.
  • The Mid-Michigan Section of AIChE is offering a scholarship opportunity for students in 9th through 11th grades.  The scholarship covers tuition, room and board plus a $100 travel allotment to explore science and engineering through hands-on laboratory, classroom, and field experiences.  This awesome opportunity is held at Michigan Tech University during the Summer of 2017.  For more information, stop by and see Mr. Long or Mrs. Brown.
  • Attention Seniors!  Your senior portrait and senior baby pictures are due before the holiday break.  If you do not submit these photos the yearbook staff will use your school photo for your portrait and you will not be featured on the senior babies page.  You can email these pictures to Mrs. Discher or drop them off in her room, 5E.  Any hard copies of pictures will be returned.
  • Seniors, do you have a sibling currently at the high school?  If so, you can submit a picture of you and your sib to be featured in the yearbook.  These are due by the holiday break and can be turned into Mrs. Discher in room 5E.
  • Now is the time to turn in your senior slide show pictures.  We need pictures of you and your friends from elementary, middle, and high school to make this graduation favorite awesome!  Please turn these photos into either Mrs. Discher or Bailie Gagne.  Photos are due by the end of the first semester.

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