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Today at BCMS

Parent/Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 4-7:30PM and Thursday, Oct. 13 from 3-6:30 PM.

Reminder to all cross country runners: Ride your transfer bus to the high school for tonight’s meet. Get off the bus at the high school and meet Mrs. Canze in the high school cafeteria.

The Grand Canyon Adventure is happening this June for any 7th or 8th grade student that registers by October 21. Take advantage of this great opportunity and reserve your spot today! See Mr. Brown if you have any questions!

Michigan / Michigan State day is Wednesday. Wear clothing to support your team.

Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken Alfredo with whole grain pasta, Blueberry Loaf, Northwest Blend Vegetables, Grapes with Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.

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