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BCMS News & Notes

Things have been busy at BCMS for the past week and these three days this week will be no exception!  Let me share a few of our highlights…
*Congratulations to Coach Brown and our team of MS wrestlers on a great season.  Coach Brown does a great job with our kids and has done a wonderful job helping the program grow.  This year was the largest team we’ve had in many seasons.
*Coach Bradford and Lane have both done a great job working to develop the skills of our girls’ basketball teams.  If you’re interested in seeing them in action we have our last home game tonight.  7th grade begins at 4:30 in our gym and 8th grade immediately following.  Come out and support our teams tonight.
Congratulations to Mrs. Bossenberger and her 6, 7 & 8th grade band.  They were amazing at their concert last week.  I’m always impressed at how our beginning band students go from not being able to play a note in September to a successful concert in December.  Well done!
The top scoring BCMS Robotics team took 18th among the 36 teams at the Howell competition a couple of weeks ago.  Thanks to Dave Brown and his group for putting all the work into a great sport.
Last but not least the MS is looking festive for the holidays.  The entire building has been decorated and we have many of our kids to thank for this new look.  Congratulations to Mr. Wauldron’s AC class for an award winning door based on the famous story, the Polar Express.
*Holiday break begins on Thursday, December 22 and school resumes on January 4th, 2017.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday!
Curt Moses

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