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HS Announcements – January 20, 2017

  • Co-ops:  Time sheets are due TODAY!
  • Attention super cool Creek Snowboarders and Skiers who would like to be a part of Monday’s trip!  You need to have your paperwork and payment into Mr. Long before you leave today!
  • There will be a Segment I driver education class offered at the High School in room 7E starting on January 24. There will also be a Segment II class offered starting February 6.  Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for details and registration.
  • Starting Tuesday, you can bring your spare change into your sixth hour to raise money for the leukemia lymphoma society. The sixth hour with the most funds raised at the end of two weeks will win a meal catered by Olive Garden to their class. But!… in order to qualify for this prize we must reach a school wide total of $650!  So, bring in your change!

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