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BCMS Announcements – February 1, 2017

  • Robotics team will NOT be meeting on Thursday, February 2nd.
  • School Dance, February 9th.  2:30 pm – 4:00 pm.  Please have a ride at school by 4 pm.
  • Girls interested in playing softball, sign-up sheets are in the office.
    • Softball Try-outs will be held at the Dickey Dome at BCHS
      • February 13th:  6 pm – 8 pm
      • February 14th:  5 pm – 7 pm
  • BCMS Ski Trip – February 16th
  • There are only 56 seats available on the bus, so make sure you turn in your money and permission slip to    Mrs. Willsie.
  • Money & permission slip due to Mrs. Willsie by February 9th.
    • Lift ticket – $15
    • Ticket & ski rental – $28
    • Ticket & snowboard – $40

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