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Our Equestrian Team will be competing in State competition today though Sunday at the Midland County fairgrounds.  Good luck team!

Co-op’s:  Did you turn in your time sheet today?

Our annual Volley For A Cure event will be next Wednesday, October 19th.  Tee shirts are now on sale for $12 each, during both lunch hours.  All profit will be given to the American Cancer Society.

The next meeting of the Archery Club is this Sunday, October 16 at 7:30 pm.  Anyone interested is welcome to attend!

Career Showcase is coming to Midland County and registration starts Oct 13th!  Visit Mrs. Flaminio in the Career Center or next week in the lunchroom for more details.

Juniors and Seniors:  College reps will be here from CMU, Sienna Heights, SVSU, Grand Valley and Mid Michigan Community College during October.  Sign up in Counseling TODAY!

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