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2-16-17 Pine River Principal News

February 16, 2017
We are looking forward to meeting with parents tonight for Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:30 – 8:00 p.m.   The second evening of conferences will be on Tuesday, February 21st from 4:30 – 8:00 p.m.  If you do not have a scheduled time, please call the office and a time can be set up for you.  In addition, volunteers from Homer United Methodist Church will be in the gym to supervise students so that parents can meet with the teachers.  The volunteers have games and activities – so please feel free to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Just a reminder – teachers will be involved in Professional Developmenttomorrow, so there will be no school for students.
Book Fair is next week on Tuesday evening during conferences, Wednesdayand Thursday.  Teachers will let the students know what time the classroom is scheduled to attend.  You are welcome to join your child.
Attached is a flyer on the Bullock Creek Little League.  Information on registration dates is included in the flyer.
March 8th will be a half-day for students.  Students will load busses and leave at12:05 p.m.  Hot lunch will be available and students will eat at an earlier time.
Have a wonderful weekend – the weather is supposed to be beautiful!
Debra Bradford

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