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BCMS Announcements – February 21, 2017

  • 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball teams will be playing against Swan Valley.  8th grade plays at BCMS and 7th grade will be traveling to Swan Valley.  Both games start at 4:30 pm.
  • Southtown and Westown Little Leagues are combing to become Bullock Creek Little League.  This is for softball and baseball.  Flyers were sent home with students.  Check out the information, registration is on-line.
  • Robotics Team is meeting on Thursday, 2:30 – 4:45 pm.
  • February 25th –  Free event to try hockey at the Midland Civic Area.  Stop by the office and pick up a flyer.
  • Looking ahead into March…
    • March 2nd – MS Play performance at 7:00 pm at BCHS Auditorium.
    • March 3rd – MS students will go to BCHS to watch the play at 1 pm.  Students will dismiss from BCHS.
    • March 4th  – MS Play performance at 2 pm at BCHS Auditorium.
    • March 7th – Pre-Festival Concert – 8th grade
    • March 10th – District Band Festival – 8th grade
    • March 11th – District Band Festival – 8th grade
    • March 13th – 16th – MS Book Fair, more information to come.
    • March 16th – MS Dance, 2:30 – 4:00 pm.  Cost is $3 to enter.  Please make sure your ride is here at 4 pm.
    • March 31st – Spring Break Begins

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