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3-7-17 Principal News

Wednesday, March 8, is a half-day of school for students.  Students will be dismissed at 12:05 p.m.  Students will eat lunch at 11:30 a.m. before they depart at 12:05 p.m.
The PTO will be selling Spirit Sticks on Friday, March 17.  Each Spirit Stick is $1.00.
Report cards for Trimester 2 will go home on Friday, March 17.
The last day of school before Spring Break begins will be Thursday, March 30.  Students will return to school on Monday, April 10.  Friday, April  14th is Good Friday, and there will be no school for students on this day.
I have attached a flyer from Midland ESA regarding a summer camp for students who are 12-18 years old – Starting at Square One.  If interested, please check out the information on the flyer.
Another flyer for a summer camp – What’s on the Menu? This camp is designed for students ages 12 – 18.  If interested, check out the information.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy today’s weather!
Debra Bradford

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