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BCMS News & Notes

What a crazy end to last week!  I can’t recall losing power for a 4 day stretch in the last 20 years.  It was a tough 4 days for those families who were affected by the power outage.  Thankfully, the middle school outage began about 10:15 on Wednesday, which only left us 15 minutes of class remaining before leaving for the day.  The students and teachers handled themselves very well and I was very proud of the building for getting through the outage.  Well done!
Here are a couple dates to watch for…
– TRACK sign ups are still going on this week.  If your child is interested – sign up in the office.
– March 16th (this Thursday) is a Mystery Dance 2:30-4:00pm – Proceeds going to support our library.
– March 31st – End of the semester/Spring break begins.
Looks like winter is back for a few days.  The slick road conditions are making travel difficult.  Please be careful!
Have a great week!
Curt Moses

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