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HS Announcements – March 15, 2017

  • After School Intervention (ASI) is cancelled for today, Wednesday, due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
  • Attention Creekers for a Cause members:  We have a very important meeting tomorrow morning at 7:25am.  We will be working on a special project and everyone is needed to make it a success!
  • Attention Senior NHS members:  There is a mandatory meeting TOMORROW in the Distance Learning Lab @ 2:55.
  • Students – do you have a staff member that has had a positive impact on your life?  If so, you can nominate them for the Hero in Education Award through Saginaw Valley State University.  Nomination forms can be picked up in the high school office and the deadline to return the form back to the office is by the end of the day on Friday.
  • Co-op time sheets are due this Friday.
  • Hey Seniors! Your portraits are all set to send to our publisher. You can check out these fine photos outside Mrs Discher’s room, 5E.   If you see any problems with YOUR portrait or the corresponding name, please let Mrs. Discher know by this FRIDAY, March 17.  Absolutely NO CHANGES can be made after this date.
  • Make sure you are signed up for the spring BLOOD DRIVE this Friday!  Sign-up sheets are in the main office.

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