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HS Announcements – March 16, 2017

  • Senior NHS members:  There is a mandatory meeting TODAY in the Distance Learning Lab @ 2:55.
  • Hey ALL STUCO PEOPLE!  Due to no school last Friday, we are having a full council meeting tomorrow morning in Mrs. DuBois’s room.  Please be there ON TIME!  Also, don’t forget we have bonding this weekend–reminders are in your mailboxes!  Plan on it!
  • Tomorrow is Delta College Exploration Day for seniors who turned in permission slips to attend last week.  If you have signed up to go, please report to the cafeteria at the beginning of the day so that you may be marked present for attendance.  See you tomorrow!
  • Students – do you have a staff member that has had a positive impact on your life?  If so, you can nominate them for the Hero in Education Award through Saginaw Valley State University.  Nomination forms can be picked up in the high school office and the deadline to return the form back to the office is by the end of the day on Friday.
  • Co-op time sheets are due tomorrow!.
  • Hey Seniors! Your portraits are all set to send to our publisher. You can check out these fine photos outside Mrs Discher’s room, 5E.   If you see any problems with YOUR portrait or the corresponding name, please let Mrs. Discher know by this FRIDAY, March 17.  Absolutely NO CHANGES can be made after this date.
  • Delta College will be here on Wednesday, March 22nd, at 1:45 pm.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center if you are interested.
  • Bullock Creek Theatre is proud to present its spring production, “Black Comedy”.  Come out Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at 7:00 for an evening of laughter.  Additional pieces also include, “Stick and Move”, “Fully Accessible”, and “Detective Stories.”  Tickets are only $5 and can be bought at the door.
  • Interested in seeing “Black Comedy”?  Need volunteer hour?  Then sign up to be a ticket taker.  For more information see Mr. Church in room 2A

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