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BCMS News & Notes

Let me share a couple of important notes before we begin spring break.
*March 31st – Spring break begins and marks the end of the 3rd marking period
*April 10th – Classes resume
*April 13th – Report cards will be sent home
M-Step begins for some students the week we return from break.  Please read the following information regarding the test.
State testing is extremely important to all students, families and districts across the state.  Students and teachers work incredibly hard the throughout year learning and demonstrating individual growth.  Assessment is an important part of learning and we’re excited to show what our students have learned this year.  Please read the attachments as they contain valuable information regarding testing tips and suggestions.
The following dates are scheduled for testing in the respective grade levels.  Please do everything possible to have your child in school and on time those days.  Thank you so much for making every effort to help make our assessment period go well.
8th grade – April 12-13th ELA & Math, April 18 & 19th Social Studies
7th grade – May 2-3rd ELA & Math, May 9 & 10th Science
6th grade – May 2-3rd ELA & Math
If you’re interested in finding out more on what to expect in regards to the M-Step, click the link to a short video below.
Have a great spring break!
Curt Moses

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