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HS Announcements – April 17, 2017

  • Students, please listen closely.  Several bus numbers have changed as of today.  They are:
  Bus #  7 will now be Bus # 18
  Bus # 11 will now be Bus # 22
  Bus # 12 will now be Bus # 24
  Bus # 18 will now be Bus # 23
  Bus # 26 will now be Bus #  9
  • Nominations for prom king and queen will be TOMORROW ONLY, during both lunches.  On April 20, Thursday ONLY, we will VOTE for king and queen, during both lunches.  Prom tickets will be sold on April 24, 25, & 26, Mon, Tues, & Wed.  The price will be $30 for each person.  Prom Guest Forms for non-Bullock Creek guest may be picked up in the main office.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Sweebe or Mrs. Moody in room 6A.
  • Are you a senior who has consistently donated blood throughout high school?  If you have given at least 6 pints of blood, we want to recognize your accomplishments during the graduation ceremony.  Please stop in to room 3B (Mrs. Landon’s) either before school, during 2nd lunch, or after school and sign up for special cords to be worn with your cap and gown.  The deadline is Monday, May 15th.

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