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May 11, 2017 – Principal News

I have attached a flyer from our students who are participating in Girls on the Run regarding a service project they will be sponsoring.  The girls will be collecting coins during lunch periods to help support the Bullock Creek family who recently experienced a fire at their home.  This collection will occur next week, May 15-19.
Many of you have probably heard about the High Five Fridays which Mr. Long has implemented at Pine River.  Mr. Long has created a High Five t-shirt and if you are interested in purchasing one, please see the attached flyer.
It is hard to believe that we are winding down the 2016-17 school year!  There is still much to accomplish and lots of activities going on.  Plans are being made for Pine River Elementary’s annual Field Day/Picnic Day on Wednesday, June 14th.  More information on this event will be coming home very soon.
Please remember there will be no school on Monday, May 29th, in observance of Memorial Day.

Debra Bradford


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