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HS Announcements – May 18, 2017

  • LAST CHANCE! Only 22 yearbooks remain for purchase for the 2016-2017 school year.  Don’t miss out, get your order into Mrs. Discher today!  The cost is $60.  Order forms are available in the main office or in 5E.
  • Hey StuCo people!  Just a reminder of the activities we have coming up today and into the weekend! Please check your mailboxes for details.  You are expected to attend all of the events and for the allotted times, unless you have spoken with an adviser.  Activities start today after school!!  Be there!
  • Did you know that you can earn credit for Senior Math, Visual, Performing & Applied Arts, a year of World Language, AND potentially earn up to 17 Delta College credits just by enrolling in Building Trades?  Also, building trades is NOT just for the student who wants to be a contractor.  If you want to own your own home someday, this class is for YOU!   In building trades, you will learn to improve and maintain your home.  REMEMBER, IT IS NOT to late to sign up!!!   See Mrs. Brown in the counseling center for more details.  If you will be a sophomore, junior, or senior, you are eligible.  Morning and afternoon sections available!
  • Tomorrow is the last day that Creekers for a Cause will be collecting your spare change for the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan. Dig deep into your pockets to help out your classmates, family members, and friends who have or who may develop epilepsy.
  • Attention Seniors:  Time is winding down…….Be sure to order your presentation flowers, pictures and sign up for all night party.  Detailed flyers are on the bulletin board in E wing.  Remember you must order your flowers by Wednesday, May 24th.  Questions or payments can be made with Mrs. Flaminio or Ms. Rubingh.

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