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HS Announcements – May 22, 2017

  • Thank you Bullock Creek students and staff!  Due to your generous donations during our “Butterfly Sales”, Creekers for a Cause was able to donate $132 to the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan.  We appreciate your support of this worthy cause.
  • The 2017 Awards Night is tomorrow at 6:00pm in the High School Auditorium.  Everyone is welcome!
  • SENIORS – You will notice two recycle bins on tables in your hall.  As you clean out your lockers this week, please save any LIGHTLY USED school items by placing them in one of the bins.  Binders, pencils, pens, notebooks, folders, etc.  We can use it all!
  • Wednesday is the last Black & Gold Card Day for the year.  Be sure to get your free cookie at lunch!
  • Attention Seniors:  Time is winding down…….Be sure to order your presentation flowers, pictures and sign up for all night party.  Detailed flyers are on the bulletin board in E wing.  Remember you must order your flowers by Wednesday, May 24th.  Questions or payments can be made with Mrs. Flaminio or Ms. Rubingh.
  • Hey Lancers!  Can you believe the countdown is on?  End of the school year, finals, Awards Night, graduation?!  Speaking of seniors…”Kiss a Senior Good-byes”–a chocolate kiss with a sweet message to your favorite seniors to be delivered at graduation rehearsal–will be on sale at lunches starting this Wednesday for 25 cents apiece.  Sales will run through Wednesday of next week.  Don’t leave anybody out!!

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