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Traditions run deep at Bullock Creek High School. One of our traditions is the “All Night Party” which has been held since 1969, at the Greater Midland Community Center, on graduation night. This event’s success can largely be attributed to the commitment of our volunteers and those businesses and organizations that sponsored this night. It is devotion like theirs that allowed our students to enjoy their classmates one last time, in a safe environment, before they all go their separate ways. We are extremely grateful and would like to thank ALL of the members of the Midland Morning Rotary Club for their support and donations. A special thank you to Craig Howson, Michelle Kocan, Bob LoFiego, Victor Atiemo-Obeng and Eric Rychwa for the time they spent serving food to our graduates throughout the night and into the early morning, Deb Adamcik for drawing caricatures, and the Greater Midland Community Center’s staff. We would also like to thank All A’s Automotive, Bullock Creek Area Business Association, Bullock Creek Sports Booster Club, and the Coca-Cola Company, for their generous donations. To the staff at Bullock Creek High School; John Bonello, Jennifer Brown, Lynette Copus, Todd Gorsuch, Jason Long, Kendra Reinke, Jason Tisdale, Dennis Tomko, Sherrie VanConant, and volunteer Steve Flaminio for all their help transporting gifts, setting up and chaperoning this event. THANK YOU ALL for your tireless efforts and support.

Mary Ann Flaminio

Maria Rubingh

Senior Class Advisors

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