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Call To the Creek 2017 another great success

Bullock Creek Families:

The Bullock Creek School District served as the host to three very successful Call to the Creek work camps in the summer of 2007, summer of 2010, and again in the summer of 2014. During those three camps we had over a 1,000 youth from as many as 15 states attend the camp along with their adult supervisors. Home improvements were completed on nearly 150 homes for handicapped, elderly, and low-income families in the Midland Community.

In 2015, discussions began among the Call to the Creek leadership team, which was comprised of partnerships between Bullock Creek School District, Messiah Lutheran Church, Floyd Church of God, Mount Haley Church of God, Poseyville United Methodist Church, Habitat For Humanity, Consumers Energy and several local volunteers. It quickly became clear that there was a dire need for more work to be done. To help fill this need, we decided to co-sponsor a 4th work camp from July 23- July 29, 2017.

The camp was again organized in conjunction with Group Cares with whom we have had great success during our three previous camps. Nearly 300 youth from around the United States attended our camp to service 38 homes in our community. The camp lasted the entire week and all participants were housed at the Bullock Creek High School. Students worked together to repair homes, construct wheel chair ramps, re-roof, paint and perform a variety of other home repair projects. The collaborative group work experience, along with many problem-solving opportunities, not only filled a need for the homeowners but also provided a very positive educational experience for the youth.

In preparation for this event, the Call to the Creek leadership team was responsible for raising $40,000 in order to purchase materials for the home improvements, which were purchased locally. The Herbert and Grace A Dow Foundation, the Strosacker Foundation, the Rollin Gerstacker foundation, the Midland Community Foundation, the Dow Corning Endowment Fund, Consumer Energy Corporation, The Midland Country Club Men’s League and several individual sponsors, provided significant contributions. We are very appreciative of these generous sponsors and know that this important work would not have been completed without each of them. Because of these generous sponsors, homeowners received these repairs and renovations at no cost.

In addition to home repairs, last November the Call to the Creek leadership team hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for all Call to the Creek applicants. At the dinner, several area service agencies and organizations set up booths and connected with homeowners to provide additional services. Consumers Energy, a very significant partner in this effort, offered to applicants its Consumers Energy Helping Neighbors Program. The Helping Neighbors Program assists income-qualified households at or below 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL). The customer benefits include:

  • No cost to participate
  • Available for single family renters or home owners
  • Reduces energy usage, lowers monthly utility bills and improves home comfort
  • Access to energy education materials and resources

This type of community collaboration allowed the program to raise awareness about Energy Waste Reduction while working together with local organizations to positively engage residents.

Our Bullock Creek Community has supported and cared for our district for many years. We are excited that this opportunity allowed us, along with our community partners, to reach out and care for a significant portion of our community.

We are so thankful for all the community support, community partners and funders that helped make the Call to the Creek event such a success. We are truly blessed to be in a community that cares for one another.



Shawn J. Hale



Midland Daily News articles:

                         Call to the Creek to return to Bullock Creek area in 2017        

                         Call to the Creek group work camp        

                         Call to the Creek improves homes, lives        

ABC News article:


Fox News article:


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