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9-11-17 Pine River Principal News

Dear Parents,
What an awesome first week of school!  The new parking lot with separating parking lots for parent drop off/pick ups and bussing is working well for the safety of our students.
This Friday, September 15, is our first ½ day with students due to Professional Development for staff.  Hot lunch will be available to students and all students will have a lunch period prior to leaving.  The student day ends at 12:05 p.m.  If you are picking up your child, please be on time as all staff will be leaving for a meeting at the High School.
The Pine River Cross Country team has 45 participants and had their first meet on Saturday at Stratford.  Students had a great time and performed very well.
Please take a look at the letter from Judge Allen to parents explaining the importance of attendance at school.  Be sure you always get a doctor or dental note for appointments during school hours.
Mark your calendars for the BCHS Homecoming Football game on Friday, September 29th at 7:00 p.m.
The BCEL/PR PTO has their first meeting of this school year tonight at 6:30 p.m. at Pine River in the library.  Please come and join us.
Picture Day is the morning of September 21st.  More information will be coming home as the date draws near.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Debra Bradford


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