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The Volley For A Cure volleyball game is tonight beginning with the Freshman and JV games at 5:30.  The Varsity game will immediately follow.  Come out and support your volleyball team and  the American Cancer Society! 

Attention NHS members:  We have a full group meeting at 7:10 am tomorrow, October 20.  Please meet in the Distance Learning Lab.  All summer hours and dues must be turned in at the meeting.  We look forward to seeing you!

Career Showcase is coming to Midland County!  This is an opportunity for students to visit a business or industry, tour a facility and learn more about the careers offered.  Over 35 businesses
are participating.   Visit the Career Center or see Mrs. Flaminio this week in the lunchroom.

Juniors and Seniors:  College reps will be here from CMU, Sienna Heights, SVSU, Grand Valley and Mid Michigan Community College during October.  Sign up in Counseling TODAY!

There will be a Winter Coat Giveaway November 15-17 at the Midland Salvation Army Community Center.  If you are in need of a winter coat please stop by the Main Office or the Career Center for an informational flyer.

Attention soccer fans!  Sign up in the office asap for the car-a-van leaving tomorrow at 3pm heading to Standish for the district final game.  Cost of the game is $5.  Support your “10th in the State” ranked BCHS Mens’ Soccer team.  Good luck!

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