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October 2, 2017

  • Do you want to know more about  Robotics?  Come to room 7B at 3:00pm TODAY for our Rookie Robotics meeting.
  • The following colleges will be here for visits this week:  Tomorrow – University of Michigan at 9:00 am, October 4th – Protege Academy during lunches and SVSU at 1:45, and October 6th – Davenport University at 9:00 am.  Please sign up in the Counseling office to meet with these college reps.
  • Interested in a challenging Math test?  Interested in a piece of $20,000 in scholarship money. The Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition part one test is coming up.  If you are interested in taking the test or want more information, see Mrs. Syring by Wednesday, October 4th.  The first 30 students to sign up will be admitted.
  • Hey student!!!  It’s national yearbook week!  Check out the yearbook staff’s table at lunches this week!!!
  • Starting this week, After School Intervention (ASI) will meet every TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY.
  • Did you know, in 2016, an estimated 1,685,210 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the United States and 595,690 people will die from the disease.  Stand up to cancer and show your support for all those who have been affected by cancer.  Let’s Light up the Night with luminaries during our “Pink Out” game October 13th!  Luminaries can be purchased during lunch on Wednesday and Friday for $10 each.  Decorate on the spot, or take home to decorate.  Ask any Varsity Cheerleader for more information.
  • Once again, our Lancer Equestrians have not failed to impress.  This weekend they scored 561 to take the Regional Championship.  That was 188 points over the second place team!  Each and every member of the team scored in their respective classes.   We now move on to State competition which will be held at Midland County Fairgrounds October 12 – 15
  • Get ready: this month is Michigan College Month!  All month long, high school staff and your college adviser will be cheering everyone on to apply to colleges and trade schools!  Here are the events we’re having:          First: College Goal Tuesday!  Every Tuesday in October, students and staff are encouraged to wear college or military gear!   Second: Trivia Thursday!  Every Thursday in October, we’ll ask a trivia question, and you can turn in your answer by Friday at noon to your college adviser Mr. Wardell for a chance to win a gift card!      And third: FAFSA Friday!  For every senior who files the FAFSA, you can find Mr. Wardell during lunch to get a gift card for free bread sticks, and enter a raffle for more prizes!  Be sure to ask Mr. Wardell if you have any questions!
  • Need a candy fix?  It’s Michigan College Month, so this week is College Bingo Week!  Get a bingo on your bingo sheet by Friday and win a FREE, FULL-SIZE CANDY BAR from the counseling office!  If you have any questions, or need a bingo sheet, see your college adviser, Mr. Wardell, in the counseling office.  Good luck!

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