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October 4, 2017

  • TOMORROW is PICTURE DAY!  Be sure to order online or bring your envelope if you are purchasing pictures.
  • Today is the last day to sign up for the PSAT.  However, we will accept registrations through tomorrow morning at 9:00am if you are still interested in taking the assessment.
  • Creekers for a Cause will be meeting tomorrow morning in Room 7E at 7:25am.  If you are interested in learning more about this awesome club, please stop by.
  • Co-ops:  Time sheets are DUE this Friday!
  • The following colleges will be here for visits:  October 6th – Davenport University at 9:00 am, October 9th – Mid-Michigan Community College at 9 am and Delta College at 1:30 pm, and October 12th – Northern Michigan University at 8 am.  Please sign up in the Counseling office to meet with these college reps.
  • The number of new cancer cases will rise to 22 million within the next two decades.  Stand up to cancer show your support for all those who have been affected by cancer.  Let’s Light up the Night with luminaries during our “Pink Out” game Oct. 13th!   For ONE DAY ONLY, this Friday, October 6, during both lunches purchase a luminary for only $5.00!!  100% of the proceeds from this sale will go to Midland County Cancer Services. Let’s Light up the Night…GO CREEK!!!
  • Get ready!  This month is Michigan College Month!  All month long, high school staff and your college adviser will be cheering everyone on to apply to colleges and trade schools!  Here are the events we’re having:  College Goal Tuesday!  Every Tuesday in October, students and staff are encouraged to wear college or military gear!  Trivia Thursday!  Every Thursday in October, we’ll ask a trivia question, and you can turn in your answer by Friday at noon to your college adviser Mr. Wardell for a chance to win a gift card!  FAFSA Friday!  For every senior who files the FAFSA, you can find Mr. Wardell during lunch to get a gift card for free bread sticks, and enter a raffle for more prizes!  Be sure to ask Mr. Wardell if you have any questions!
  • Need a candy fix?  Get a bingo on your College bingo sheet by Friday and win a FREE, FULL-SIZE CANDY BAR from the counseling office!  If you have any questions, or need a bingo sheet, see your college adviser, Mr. Wardell, in the counseling office.  Good luck!

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