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October 27, 2017

  • Here is your second chance to sign up for a Student Council position. The Bullock Creek Student Council will be holding an autumn election to fill the following positions:  Senior Class Treasurer, Senior, Junior, and Sophomore Class Representative, and Freshman Secretary. Election packets are available in Mrs. Dubois’ room (8B) or Mrs. Syring’s room (3A). All packets are due by October 31st, at 3:00pm.
  • Sign up in the Counseling office if you’d like to meet with the Central Michigan University representative on Monday, October 30th, at 1:45 pm.
  • Greater Michigan Construction Academy (GMCA) is hosting an Open House on Thursday, November 2, 6:00-7:30pm.  If you would like to tour the facility, learn about the skilled trade career paths, and meet with GMCA staff, please attend this informational night.
  • Congratulations to Nicole Seiler!  The senior class chose Nicole to be Bullock Creek’s 2017 DAR Good Citizen.  Nicole was chosen based on her characteristics of leadership, dependability, patriotism, and service.  She will be honored at a special presentation on November 3.  Congrats!

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