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November 21, 2017

  • The Bullock Creek Area Business Association is collecting toys for the Jayden Lamb Foundation November 13th – December 4th.  Please help us PAY IT FORWARD JAYDEN STYLE and fill our bin in the Counseling Office with toys for our Bullock Creek children.
  • Seniors!  The deadline is December 20 for baby pictures, sibling pictures and your Senior pictures.  Make sure to get these important pictures in.  Also, all old pictures and videos can be sent or given to Mrs. Discher in room 5E.
  • Juniors interested in Co-oping next year should sign up for an important meeting being held Thursday, December 7th.  The sign-up sheet is in the Lancer lounge.
  • Are you in the giving spirit this Holiday season?  When you come back from Thanksgiving break, you can help out local families by participating in the NHS food drive that will take place from Wednesday, November 29th to Thursday, December 7th. Bring nonperishable food items or toiletries to your sixth hour class to earn points.  If an entire class collects 15 or more toiletries you will earn a bonus 5 points!  The class with the most points at the end of the drive will win a pizza party!

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