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BCMS News & Notes

First, I’d like to congratulate the 232 students that made honor roll this marking period.  Wow!  That’s an incredible number of students and quite an accomplishment.  Keep up the good work.
Here’s what’s happening in the next week or so…
*Band fundraiser distribution is today
*December 5th – ½ day for students – BCMS will release at 10:30.
*MS Band Concert is coming up on December 12th. 6th Grade Band at 6:30pm (arrive at 5:30). 7th/8th Grade Band at 7:30 (arrive at 6:30pm)
*December 14th – MS dance 2:30-4:00
*December 21st – First day of winter break
A note from the Band Boosters…
We are repurposing the old Varsity (current JV uniforms) into bags, wallets, and pillows for sale as keepsakes. We call it our “Own a Piece of the Creek” sale. Attached are the photos of the items and a printable order form (as an attachment in this mail).  All items are made entirely from materials from the uniforms that were worn in the 1980s and 1990s.
For more information on what’s coming up…see the attached flyer.
Have a great week!
Curt Moses

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