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12-11-17 Pine River Principal News

December 11, 2017
Pine River Families,
This week the Scholastic Book Fair will be available to students on Tuesday (9-6) and Wednesday from (9–4).  Each classroom has a scheduled time to visit the Book Fair.  Volunteers will be at Pine River both evenings until 6:00 p.m. if you would like to shop during the evening.
Next week students will be in school through Wednesday with break beginning on Thursday, December 21.  Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 2, 2018.
Fourth and Fifth Grade students who are involved in Battle of the Books are meeting each Monday after school to prepare for the Battle competition in February.
This year’s Lego League competed last week at Freeland Elementary and finished 12th!  Congratulations to the team and the advisor, Mrs. Dubuque.
We are planning on having Girls on the Run this spring.  In order to have this program, we do need two coaches.  If you have an interest in coaching, please contact me.
Winter weather has finally arrived.  Students will go outside for recess as long as the temperature is 15 degrees or warmer.  Please be sure your child has the appropriate clothing for outside recess.  If you need help providing warm weather gear for your child, please let us know and we can provide assistance.  Also, be sure to check Skyward to see if the correct telephone number/email address is listed.  When school is cancelled due to bad weather, our system uses the information from Skyward to inform parents.
The following are attachments:
This Friday evening, the Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams will play at BCHS beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Students who wear Bullock Creek spirit wear will get into the game free of charge.   Elementary Basketball Night
My Family and Me Bowling Club at Northern Lanes.  Bowling
Skate with Santa this Sunday at the Midland Civic Arena.  Skate with Santa 2017
Messiah Lutheran Family Movie Night.  PJs & Popcorn
Have a wonderful week!
Debra Bradford

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