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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
I hope everyone had an opportunity to clear driveways and sidewalks yesterday and stay safe.  With the nasty weather causing so many cancellations we missed a few great events.  As I heard from the students, a time or two, we missed the dance.  Below you’ll find the rescheduled date for the December dance.  Below you’ll also find some other important dates.
Important dates…
December 21 – First day of winter break
January 2 – Return to school
January 11 – Dance @ 2:30 (rescheduled from December 14th)
January 18 – Reality Store (8th grade only)
A special thanks to all those families that donated to those in need this holiday season.  Between those who gave and our great staff that helped coordinate resources and make connections, we made a difference.  Thank you.
Attached to this email you’ll find flyers with additional things happening in the next couple of weeks.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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