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A Few Quick Reminders…

Here are a couple of quick reminders this week…
*Apparel sales from the Student Council orders will be ready to be picked up tomorrow.  If the apparel is a gift, and you haven’t already contacted us, please email bregea@bcreek.org so that the order isn’t sent home with student.
*Spirit Week – Monday, Dress as your favorite Holiday character – Tuesday, Ugly sweater day – Wednesday, Flannel day (No PJ’s)
*Wednesday, December 20th is our last day before break.  Classes resume January 2nd
***Just a reminder to be sure and check our website under the NEWS tab for additional information about what’s happening at BCMS. http://www.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?page_id=91
Under the NEWS tab you’ll find the daily announcements for the building and other useful information.
Have a great week!
Curt Moses


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