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Middle School Principal News 10/28/11

Happy Friday!

MEAP is complete and has been shipped back to MEAP.  I just to take a moment to explain the changes in MEAP for 2011.  It is my understanding the test has not change much but the scoring has.  For those of you that attended the last Bullock Creek Board of Education meeting on October 17th and heard my explanation of this, please bear with me.  Prior to 2011, a student was considered proficient on the MEAP if they answered approximately 39% of the questions correct.  Proficiency requirements were very low and really did needed to be increased.  The main change for the MEAP 2011 is that the new scoring requires a students to answer approximately 65% of the questions correct on the MEAP in order to be considered proficient. This may significantly change the number of students across the state that are considered proficient.  Please keep this in mind as we receive these results in the coming months.
The end of the first term for all core classes is November 4th.  Report cards will be sent home with students near the end of the week of the 7th.  Encore classes (Media Tech, PE, Art and Band) will end their term on December 1st.  The grades for encore  classes  will be posted on the 2nd term report card (late January).
If you have not yet started using SchoolView, please contact the Middle School office (631-9260) to find out how.  This is such an excellent tool to keep track of your students grades.
2H (Homework Help) is a program that is available to students on Wednesdays (room 309) and Thursdays (room 115) after school from 2:30-3:30pm.  Student can come to 2H to receive extra help from a classroom certified teacher or to simply have a quiet place to work.  Please encourage your student to stay for this opportunity.
Picture retakes are November 1st.  If a student missed picture day and needs to get pictures taken, we have packets available in main office. If students would like their pictures retaken, please have them bring in their packet of pictures on Tuesday November 1st to have them retaken.  Retakes are no extra cost if their current pictures are turned in.
Team_Mary Flier for Team Mary.  As many of you may already know, Team Mary is fund raiser for Mary Juengel (6th grade student) who has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia.  On Monday and Friday next week during lunches, orders will be taken for Team Mary bracelets which will help contribute to a fund set up for Mary and her family.  Please considering giving to this fund raiser.  If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Tryban at  jenn@vcagroup.org
Have a wonderful weekend!

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