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BCMS Announcements – December 19, 2017

  • Boys Basketball! – 7th and 8th grade boys who are interested in playing basketball, sports physicals must be turned into the office before the first practice.  Practice will begin in January.
    • Wednesday, December 20th – Cozy, Comfy, Flannel and Fleece Day! Think warm hot cocoa by the fire and put on that soft flannel or fleece.  NO Pajamas PLEASE! There will be plenty of time over break for you to stay in your pjs all day!
  • December 21 – First Day of Winter break!  School resumes on January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!
  • Looking ahead into January….
    • January 11 – School Dance! (rescheduled from the snow day)
      • Cost is $3 to enter and there will be pizza and pop for sale too.  Dance ends at 4 p.m, please make sure your ride is here when it ends.
    • January 25 – Half Day!  BCMS dismisses at 10:30 a.m.

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