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January 3, 2018

  • Attention students:  ASI will be held after school today from 2:50 to 4:05 in room 6D.
  • Seniors, Delta College Foundation has announced that they have many scholarships to give away.  Last year over 50% of the applicants received a scholarship.  If you are planning to attend Delta in the fall, please visit www.delta.edu/scholarships to apply.
  • Co-ops:  Time sheets are due ​this Friday, January 5th!
  • Volunteer Opportunity!  Messiah Lutheran is hosting a fun event for our Floyd Elementary students on our upcoming half day of school on Thursday, January 25, 12:30-5:00.  Student volunteers will assist with games, crafts, Lego building, and more.  Sign up with Mrs. Brown if you are interested in helping out.

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