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January 9, 2017

  • Sophomore class officers, there will be a meeting TODAY after school in Ms. Rinn’s room.  Please see her if you can not attend the meeting.
  • Friday is the “Have a Heart” fundraiser at the Varsity Basketball game.  If you think you are a great shot, come out and show your stuff during half time of both the girls and boys games.  A dollar a shot to win a pop…Sink a 3 pointer and take home a 2 liter.  Hope to see you there!
  • Wear red on Friday to show your support for the Wojda Benefit that will take place at the Varsity Basketball games that night.
  • Are you interested in helping save a life?  If you are 16 years old, and weigh over 112 pounds for guys and 120 for girls, you have the opportunity next Monday!  NHS will be holding a blood drive in room 7E from 2 – 6pm on January 15th.  If you are 16 and it is your first time donating, make sure you pick up and fill out a green form.  Green forms must be returned to the main office by January 15th.
  • Are interested in a career in construction or other skilled trades?  Do you love working with your hands?  The Home Builders Association in Midland is hosting an Open House on Saturday, January 20 at 10:00am to promote their Exploring Post.  Stop by the Lancer Lounge to pick up a flyer.

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