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1/10/18 – MDE Parent Dashboard

PD-Dashboard_Facts        PD-Handout        PD_Flyer
Pine River Families,
You may have heard on the news today that Michigan has adopted a new way to provide transparency about its public schools.  The new online Parent Dashboard shows the performance of every public school in Michigan.  The Parent Dashboard was created by the Michigan Department of Education in collaboration with the Center for Educational Performance and Information for parents who are interested in learning more about schools at the building level.
The Parent Dashboard was designed to:
  • show school information
  • provide an easy location where parents can view building-level information and data
  • offer a more balanced picture of school quality, since it contains information about more than just test scores.
I encourage you to check out the new Parent Dashboard for School Transparency at:
If you have questions about the information, please contact me.  I would be happy to discuss Pine River Elementary’s information.
I have included information from Michigan Department of Education regarding the Parent Dashboard that includes more in depth description of the Parent Dashboard.
Have a great evening!
Debra Bradford

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