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January 30, 2018

  • Schedule change requests are due by noon tomorrow.  If you have a request, please stop by the Counseling Center today.
  • Auditions for the Drama Club’s production of the murder-mystery comedy, A New Style for Murder, will be TODAY after school in the theater at 3:00.  All students are welcome to audition.
  • Math club members, we are meeting after school today in Mrs.Syring’s room.  New members are always welcome
  • Did you attend Challenge Day last fall?  Are you interested in helping to plan the activities and events for Week of Nonviolence at BCHS?  If you would like to be a part of the committee that helps to choose and organize the activities, please stop by and see Mrs. Brown today.
  • Talent show auditions are February 1st after school.  If you have not received emails about this date, you must see Ms. Doud to get on the list.

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