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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
We have now completed the first half of the year.  Reports cards are being sent home today.  Please ask your student to share their scores with you.  Hopefully for most of you, grades are being carefully monitored on a weekly basis throughout the semester using our Skyward system.
Parent/Teacher conferences will take place for BCMS on February 8th from 3:00-6:30pm & February 13th from 4:00-7:30pm.  Conferences will be open to everyone and everyone is encouraged to attend.  Student schedules will be available for those who need them.  6th grade teachers will be hosting conferences in the gym, 7th grade in the care center and 8th grade in the library.
Just a quick reminder on parking lot etiquette.  In order to keep traffic moving quickly,  only use the drop lane if your child is ready to exit the vehicle promptly.  If extra time is needed, please use one of our convenient parking spaces.  When swinging around the in the drop lane, please stay in line.  Occasionally we have students exit their vehicle from the left side and passing may present a dangerous situation for our students.  Please encourage your child to exit the vehicle from the right side.  Safety for the kids is our first priority.  Please share this information with any drivers that may be dropping off or picking up a student.
We have a new student council fundraiser starting next week.  See the attached letter for more information.  Fundraising activities will kick-off on Monday.
The next Safe Sitter program will be held at BCMS.  This program is put on by a local agency and is designed to teach 6th-8th grade students the skills needed to be competent baby sitter.  For more information, please see the flyer.  There are scholarships available.  If interested, please call the number listed for more information.
For more information about what’s a happening in the community, see the attached flyers.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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