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February 7, 2018

  • Attention Sophomore Class officers:  There will be a meeting TODAY in Mrs. Rinn’s room after school.
  • Hey dancers!  Grab a date and buy tickets at lunch for the Sadie Hawkins dance this Saturday, Feb. 10.  Prices are $10 for a single and $15 for a couple.  Tickets will only be sold through tomorrow!  Tickets will NOT be sold at the door on the night of the dance!
  • Juniors and seniors who are in the Early College Program, please listen carefully to this crucial announcement.  Applications for next year’s dual enrollment are in your mailbox.  Please make sure you pick it up today.  It is due on Monday, February 12.
  • Students, a GSA club is being reintroduced to Bullock Creek.  Everyone deserves a safe place, a nurturing environment, a place to be yourself.  If you want to be involved in this club, there will be a short meeting in the Distance Learning Room (at the corner of D & E wings) Friday morning at 7:30 to set up future meetings that work for the majority of students and discuss the club’s focus.  Please see Mr. Korson if you have any questions.
  • Hey Lancers!!  Do you want the BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE?  No problem… you can have it!!  Tickets are $1 each and will be put in a raffle for a comfy seat on the court in front of the student section at the home basketball games this Friday.  Not only do you win the BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE, but you also win a slice of pizza and a drink!  You could have the BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE for half of a game for only a dollar!
  • Do you like Olive Garden?  Do like free pasta?  Then compete the next two weeks to win your 6th hour free Olive Garden pasta courtesy of  the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Michigan.  All you have to do is bring change in and put it in the provided box in your 6th hour and the class with the most change raised at the end of the two weeks wins a free pasta party.
  • Do you have a sweetheart, a BFF, or a secret admirer?  We have the perfect Valentine’s gift for you!  Starting Monday, February 12th – 14th, carnations will be sold during lunch hours for $1.00 each.
  • Hey lancers are you feeling the love?  To celebrate Valentines Day, we will be having a spirit week!  To kick off our week we will have Dress to Impress day Tuesday, Class color day Wednesday where Freshmen wear White, Sophomores wear Pink, Juniors wear purple and Seniors wear Red.  Thursday will be Stoplight day: wear red if you are taken, yellow if it is complicated and green if you are single!  To wrap up our week we will have flannel Friday!

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