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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Here’s are a couple of reminders…
-March 2nd ends our BCMS scratch-off fundraiser
-March 2nd is the 7th & 8th grade Concert Festival @ Midland Central Auditorium. (Mrs. Bossenberger wil send out more information)
-March 2nd all students will be bused to the HS auditorium to view our MS play.  We’re leaving here around 12:45 and then students will be dismissed from the HS.  Bus riders will get on at the HS, those wanting to pick their students up can do so at the HS.
-February 27th – PSAT testing for all 7th and 8th grade students
Sign-ups for BCMS Track and Field have started! If your 7th or 8th grader wants to participate, make sure they sign up outside room 201. Optional conditioning starts March 5. Official practice starts April 9.
An additional important reminder…
Date of testing:         Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Who:                          All 7th and 8th grade Students attending BCMS
Where:                       Bullock Creek Middle School
Time:                         7:40 – 11:00 a.m.
It is extremely important that students are in school on test day during the testing times (See above).  Please make every effort to schedule appointments around this time frame.  Students who show up late or leave during testing will NOT be able to make up this time.  Please make sure that your child has a good night sleep the night before testing and has a good breakfast the morning of testing.  Below are some links for both parents and students.  If you want more information about the testing or have questions, please review the following links.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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