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BCMS Announcements – February 28, 2018

  • Middle School Play – All students will go to BCHS on Friday, March 2nd in the afternoon to watch the play, In the Hood.  Students will leave BCMS at 12:45 p.m.  Student will dismiss from BCHS after the play to go home.
  • Popcorn! – Popcorn will be for sale on Thursday during all lunch hours.  Cost is $1.00 per bag or cheese for $1.25.
  • Donuts! – Donuts will be for sale in the Care Center on Friday morning for $1.00.
  • Equestrian Team – Anyone interested in joining the Equestrian Team, there will be a meeting in the BCMS Cafeteria on Monday, March 5th at 6:00 p.m.
  • BCMS TRACK IS BACK and we need YOU to be part of our team! All 7th and 8th grade boys and girls are invited to join the 2018 track team.   Pick up a packet outside Mr. Wardell’s or Mrs. MacLachlan’s room today!
  • Optional Track Conditioning – Optional track conditioning starts at BCMS on Monday, March 5th after school until 4:00. Pick up a track packet for more details!
  • Fundraiser – Students, please remember to keep asking for donations with your scratch-off cards.  Every card completed will help us purchase locker magnets, outdoor equipment and a new sound system.  Last day to turn in cards is Friday, March 2nd.
  • Looking ahead into March….
    • March 1 – MS Play at BCHS – 7 p.m.
    • March 2 – MS Play to all MS Students – 1:00 p.m. – Students will dismiss from BCHS to go home.
    • March 3 – MS Play at BCHS – 2:00 p.m.
    • March 30 – Spring Break Begins!

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